Azlanii Plant

Azlanii plant
Alocasia Azlanii: 'Red Mambo' Jewel Alocasia is a very rare houseplant, we are lucky to be able to offer it to you.
How do you take care of Alocasia Azlanii?
The Alocasia azlanii excels in bright indirect light. However, it can also handle a few hours of the morning sun. You also want to avoid too much direct sunlight because this will damage their magnificent leaves. Just make sure to oversee your plant if you'll put it outside for some sun in the morning.
What is another name for Alocasia Azlanii?
Alocasia Azlanii, commonly known as Jewel Alocasia, is a popular species of Alocasia in the house plant community.
Is Alocasia Azlanii the same as Cuprea?
The leaves of Alocasia Azlanii have a more regular oval shape narrowed at the ends and are smaller than those of Alocasia Cuprea – no bigger than 20 by 11 cm (7 by 4 in). While the upper surface of the leaves is dark coppery purplish green with purple veins, the lower surface is surprisingly pale green.
Why are alocasia Azlanii so expensive?
Alocasia Azlanii Because the demand for rare alocasia varieties is high and supplies are limited, the ones that become available will sell quickly. People worldwide want to own the alocasia azlanii, a rare plant that only grows in Malaysia.
Which Alocasia is most expensive?
Alocasia Azlanii A plant with gorgeous leaves — dark green with veins in shades of pink and purple and a bright shiny texture — it can be found in Sarawak, Malaysia, and is very difficult to propagate. Also known as 'Red Mambo,' it can be around 12 feet tall and is expensive owing to its look.
Do Alocasia like to be misted?
Your Alocasia prefers a humid environment so mist often. Mist the leaves regularly using a Mister, place a humidifier nearby, or use a pebble tray to raise the humidity. Your Alocasia prefers warm temperatures between 65–85°F.
How do I keep my Alocasia happy?
Alocasia Polly enjoy weekly watering sessions and frequent misting, keeping their soil moist but not wet. In winter, we recommend allowing the top 2' of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot.
How big do Alocasia Azlanii get?
Alocasia azlanii is ideal for placement on bright desks or tabletops, as well as in large terrariums or display cases. Its relatively short stature (it only grows about 12 inches tall) makes it easy to enjoy just about anywhere.
Can you touch Alocasia?
Wear gloves - You should always wear gloves when handling your Alocasia to avoid any contact with bare skin. Wash hands - If your skin does make contact with the plant, wash your hands immediately and avoid touching your eyes or mouth.
Which Alocasia is rare?
Alocasia maharani 'Grey Dragon' This is one of the rarest varieties of Alocasias, with muted, silvery deep green foliage. Compared to other plants in the genus, 'Grey Dragon' is somewhat dwarf in size. It rarely grows taller than 14 inches and its leaves span up to 6 inches long.
Does Alocasia like sun or shade?
Alocasias need bright, but indirect light. This is due to the plant's natural habitat, on the forest floor beneath the tree canopy. Direct sun will cause the leaves to burn, so avoid placing your Alocasia in a spot where it'll be exposed to direct sun for a prolonged period.
Is Alocasia good for beginners?
Alocasia plants in general are not recommended for the beginner so do think carefully before spending big bucks on one of these houseplants because they might not last very long if the care provided isn't right.
Why are variegated Alocasia so expensive?
Essentially variegated plants have less surface area to photosynthesise with and produce the sugars they need for growth and repair, hence they usually need more light compared to entirely green plants and typically grow much, much slower. This is the basis of why they are currently so sought after and pricy!
What is the easiest Alocasia to grow?
Probably the most common alocasia you'll see at the nursery, 'Polly' is one of the easiest alocasia cultivars to grow indoors and one of the most striking. With rich green leaves touched with silvery veins and purple undersides, 'Polly' is a standout in any houseplant collection.
Does Alocasia clean the air?
Do Alocasia Polly plants clean air? Yes, Amazonian Elephant Ear Plants, or Alocasia Polly, have been found to remove toxins from the air, including benzene, toluene, xylene, trichloroethylene, ammonia, and formaldehyde.
What is the benefits of Alocasia plants?
The plants are applied for stimulating the skin, e.g. in cases of fever and to remove blotches. The rhizome is sometimes used as a poultice to treat furuncles. The pounded stems are applied as a paste to snakebites and scorpion stings.
Is Alocasia a good houseplant?
Alocasias are excellent indoor plants if you meet their growing requirements (bright indirect light and some humidity). The stunning plants can add height, texture, drama, or a tropical feel to indoor spaces.
What is the rarest houseplant?
What Is the Most Exotic Houseplant? The most exotic houseplant include the strangest-looking succulents like Pseudolithos and Trachyandra. Many tropical plants are also considered rare because of their out-of-this-world appearance, like varieties of Monstera, Alocasia, and Philodendron.
What is Alocasia red secret?
Alocasia cuprea 'Red Secret' is a tender, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial cultivar from the Araceae family. It is typically grown for the leaves, which are large, oval and have a metallic appearance, coloured dark green to red. The undersides of the leaves are a vibrant purple colour, making a striking visual display.
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