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Sedum Succulent Types

Sedum succulent types

Sedum succulent types

Every garden deserves at least a few easy plants. It doesn't get much easier than Sedum, a genus of succulents with an exceptionally varied array of flowers, foliage, and habits.

How do I identify my sedum?

It's green but the leaves are different the leaves are round and plump and full of water.

How do you care for a succulent sedum?

How to Grow Sedum Throughout the Season

  1. Staking: Creeping varieties of sedums do not need staking.
  2. Watering: Sedums are succulents and very drought tolerant. ...
  3. Fertilizing: Sedums tolerate low-fertility soils. ...
  4. Mulching: Because sedums need well drained soil, only lightly mulch with bark mulch to keep weeds away.

Do sedums like sun or shade?

Sedum don't require a lot of water and will develop their best colors if they get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. They won't grow well in heavy, mucky, or high clay soils.

How often should you water a sedum succulent?

During the hot summers, plan to water every 7-10 days. Water every 2-3 week in the fall and winter. Watering needs of container sedums depends on a few factors. Based on rainfall, an outdoor container may not need any watering; whereas, an indoor container will need weekly watering.

Can you keep sedum as a houseplant?

Sedums are some of the easiest plants to grow indoors. Put them near a warm, bright window, check for water once a week, and they should be perfectly content. Plants growing in optimum conditions can eventually bloom.

Do you cut back sedum in the fall or spring?

To prune sedum, cut plants back by half in late spring or early summer (June in most places). Pruning causes 'Autumn Joy' sedum to flower later, which creates a lingering flower show in fall.

Does sedum stay green in the winter?

In most climates, sedums will remain evergreen throughout winter, perhaps with a color change from green to reddish-brown.

Should sedum be cut back?

Pruning sedum is not necessary, but doing so will help your plant grow healthier and look more pleasing. Larger sedum plants, referred to as clumping, reach heights of up to 24 inches. With clumps of flowers, it will benefit from “pinching back” to control over growth and toppling of the plant.

Do sedums do well in pots?

They make good ground cover outdoors, particularly on green roofs, and are sometimes used as an alternative to grass lawns. The tender varieties make good house plants and can also be grown outside in containers in summer.

Can you keep sedums in pots?

Sedum in Containers: Both tall and creeping sedums are excellent container plants provided that you use a decent potting mix that both retains water and drains it. Tall sedums look great in a patio container and creeping sedums are excellent spiller companions to tall container plants such as cactus and agave.

What do you do with sedum in the winter?

Place the pot in a sheltered area near a building for the winter. It is best for the plant to stay frozen and dormant during the cold and rebloom in the spring. Do not store the container in a sunny area. This can cause a thaw/freeze cycle which is not healthy for the roots.

Should sedum be cut back for winter?

Sedum (Sedum) – Cut to ground when foliage dies back or leave for winter interest and cut back mid-winter or early spring before new growth appears. Tall Phlox (Phlox paniculata) – Cut back to ground when foliage dies back.

Where is the best place to plant sedum?

Sedum enjoy full sun, but will tolerate some shade. If growing sedum in an area that gets long, cold winters (Zone 5 and colder), plant in full sun to improve overwintering capability. Sedum grows well in poor or sandy soil, but it's important to have well-drained soil to avoid fungal diseases.

Does sedum need a lot of water?

Sedum don't require a lot of water and will develop their best colors if they get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. They won't grow well in heavy, mucky, or high clay soils.

What does an overwatered sedum look like?

If your plant's leaves are starting to look yellow and transparent, and feel soggy or mushy to the touch, it's likely suffered from overwatering. An early sign of over-watering is that leaves will start to fall off with just a slight bump.

What time of year does sedum bloom?

Thriving in zones 4-9, sedums bloom from July through late fall. In fact, some gardeners leave the blooms intack during the winter, making the plant attractive for longer. Sedums grow best in less than desirable conditions. Full sun and dry soil are perfect components for a healthy blooming sedum.

Should you deadhead sedum?

They don't need deadheading (removing spent blooms), and they often look good even into winter. However, extreme heat and a lack of sunlight both can cause sedum plants to get a bit leggy. Cutting back the plants after they are done flowering can help to maintain their shape and encourage bushier, sturdier growth.

What pots are best for sedums?

Make sure to choose a pot with ample drainage holes. Like succulents, sedums have roots which are pretty shallow, so they don't need a huge pot to thrive. It's not a bad idea to add a slow release fertilizer into the potting soil, but there's no need to worry about supplemental feedings during the growing season.

What month do you divide sedum?

Early spring is the best time to divide 'Autumn Joy' and other upright, clump-forming varieties sedum (Hylotelephium). Dig up plants in early spring just as new growth begins to appear. Divide each clump into sections with a sharp knife. Each division should contain several shoots and a portion of the root system.

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